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White Notebooks


Contribution to comfortable life of all people by original research and development

The basic research about human and human cells led to the novel cosmetic products in Mandom corp. and they contribute to comfortable life of all people.

Integrin α5 regulates motility of human monocyte-derived Langerhans cells during immune response

Guo Z., Murakami M., Saito K.O., Kato H., Toriyama M., Tominaga M., Ishii K.J., Fujita F.

Exp Dermatol., 2024 Mar;33(3):e15021 (2023)

Next-Generation Antiperspirant Technique: Controlling the Contraction of Human Eccrine Gland

Hara T., Kyuka A., Nakashima K., Kato H., Fujita F., Luo Q., Hayakawa T., Tanemura A., Nakagawa Y., Murota H., Katayama I., Sekiguchi K.

IFSCC Magazine., 26(4) 287-294 (2024)

MA-T Co-Creation Center, 3rd Floor 

1-6 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka, Japan 565-0871


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Tel : 06-6105-5785

Laboratory of Advanced Cosmetic Science

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